Stand out from the crowd

Always look your best

With Premium, you can enhance your profile with a larger photo, a background that says who you are, and an exclusive gallery of images you can pick from to customize your background.

enhance your profile with larger photo
visible in search

Be more visible in search

Your search listing is 2x as big as other search results, letting you display more info from your profile.

Get found more

Optimize your profile

Premium increases your chances of showing up more often in search with top keyword suggestions that you can include in the summary section of your profile.

keyword suggestions
Open Profile

Make it easy for people to reach you

As a Premium member with Open Profile on, every LinkedIn member can see your full profile and contact you for free so you'll never miss out on any opportunities.

Track your impact

See the full list of who's viewed you

With Premium, you can see the full list of people who’s viewed your profile in the last 90 days—not just the last five people—so you can get the info you need to reach out or follow up.

Full list of who viewed my profile
how you rank

See how you stack up

See how you rank in profile views among your connections and colleagues with an expanded list of top 100 results.